My Thoughts and News

Those who hide the truth or prevent the truth from being known, are the very ones who wish to hide the real truth and rewrite history.

Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Mexican Military Invades Arizona

Posted by mythoughtsandnews on January 11, 2007

It appears that last weeks attack by Mexican forces that over ran the Arizona National Guard was not a “chance confrontation” with untrained illegal aliens. The coordinated assault was a deliberate “perimeter probe” by uniformed Mexican infantry.

“The Euphoric Reality site has learned in exclusive interviews with high-ranking sources within both the Arizona National Guard and the U.S. Border Patrol that the incident the mainstream media calls a “standoff” was in reality a military-style operation, carried out by a unit of Mexican troops dressed in military uniforms, flak jackets, and armed with AK-47s in an apparent operation to probe the border defenses and test the limits of the National Guard troops. Using easily recognizable infantry movement tactics (such as arm and hand signals and flanking maneuvers), the Mexican unit deliberately moved in a military formation across the border from Mexico, while under surveillance by the National Guard and Border Patrol.

As the hostile force moved north over several hours, deeper into Arizona, National Guardsmen wearing night vision goggles were able to ascertain that the approaching gunmen were indeed uniformed (including PAGST helmets) and heavily armed. When the Mexican unit came within approximately 100 yards of the Entry Identification Team (EIT), the Guardsmen repositioned themselves in order to maintain surveillance and tactical advantage. They observed the Mexican unit sweep through the EIT site, and then rapidly withdraw back into Mexico. No shots were fired by either the Mexican gunmen or the Guardsmen. Border Patrol was on the scene within minutes of the Mexican unit’s withdrawal.

Why is the American government allowing the invasion of America from Mexico? Why does the American government refuse to do anything about it?

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Yes, There is Apartheid in Israel

Posted by mythoughtsandnews on January 9, 2007

This Road is for Jews Only

Jewish self-righteousness is taken for granted among ourselves to such an extent that we fail to see what’s right in front of our eyes. It’s simply inconceivable that the ultimate victims, the Jews, can carry out evil deeds. Nevertheless, the state of Israel practises its own, quite violent, form of Apartheid with the native Palestinian population.

The US Jewish Establishment’s onslaught on former President Jimmy Carter is based on him daring to tell the truth which is known to all: through its army, the government of Israel practises a brutal form of Apartheid in the territory it occupies. Its army has turned every Palestinian village and town into a fenced-in, or blocked-in, detention camp. All this is done in order to keep an eye on the population’s movements and to make its life difficult. Israel even imposes a total curfew whenever the settlers, who have illegally usurped the Palestinians’ land, celebrate their holidays or conduct their parades.

If that were not enough, the generals commanding the region frequently issue further orders, regulations, instructions and rules (let us not forget: they
are the lords of the land). By now they have requisitioned further lands for the purpose of constructing “Jewish only” roads. Wonderful roads, wide roads, well-paved roads, brightly lit at night–all that on stolen land. When a Palestinian drives on such a road, his vehicle is confiscated and he is sent on his way.

On one occasion I witnessed such an encounter between a driver and a soldier who was taking down the details before confiscating the vehicle and sending its owner away. “Why?” I asked the soldier. “It’s an order–this is a Jews-only road”, he replied. I inquired as to where was the sign indicating this fact and instructing [other] drivers not to use it. His answer was nothing short of amazing. “It is his responsibility to know it, and besides, what do you want us to do, put up a sign here and let some antisemitic reporter or journalist take a photo so he that can show the world that Apartheid exists here?”

Indeed Apartheid does exist here. And our army is not “the most moral army in the world” as we are told by its commanders. Sufficient to mention that
every town and every village has turned into a detention centre and that every entry and every exit has been closed, cutting it off from arterial traffic. If it were not enough that Palestinians are not allowed to travel on the roads paved ‘for Jews only’, on their land, the current GOC found it necessary to land an additional blow on the natives in their own land with an “ingenious proposal”.

Humanitarian activists cannot transport Palestinians either.

Major-General Naveh, renowned for his superior patriotism, has issued a new order. Coming into affect on 19 January, it prohibits the conveyance of Palestinians without a permit. The order determines that Israelis are not allowed to transport Palestinians in an Israeli vehicle (one registered in Israel regardless of what kind of numberplate it carries) unless they have received explicit permission to do so. The permit relates to both the driver and the Palestinian passenger. Of course none of this applies to those whose labour serves the settlers. They and their employers will naturally receive the required permits so they can continue to serve the lords of the land, the settlers.

Did man of peace President Carter truly err in concluding that Israel is creating Apartheid? Did he exaggerate? Don’t the US Jewish community leaders recognise the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination of 7 March 1966, to which Israel is a signatory? Are the US Jews who launched the loud and abusive campaign against Carter for supposedly maligning Israel’s character and its democratic and humanist nature unfamiliar with the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid of 30 November 1973? Apartheid is defined therein as an international crime that among other things includes using different legal instruments to rule over different racial groups, thus depriving people of their human rights. Isn’t freedom of travel one of these rights?

In the past, the US Jewish community leaders were quite familiar with the meaning of those conventions. For some reason, however, they are convinced that Israel is allowed to contravene them. It’s OK to kill civilians, women and children, old people and parents with their children, deliberately or otherwise without accepting any responsibility. It’s permissible to rob people of their lands, destroy their crops, and cage them up like animals in the zoo. From now on, Israelis and International humanitarian organisations’ volunteers are prohibited from assisting a woman in labour by taking her
to the hospital. [Israeli human rights group] Yesh Din volunteers cannot take a robbed and beaten-up Palestinian to the police station to lodge a complaint. (Police stations are located at the heart of the settlements.) Is there anyone who believes that this is not Apartheid?

Jimmy Carter does not need me to defend his reputation that has been sullied by Israelophile community officials. The trouble is that their love of Israel distorts their judgment and blinds them from seeing what’s in front of them. Israel is an occupying power that for 40 years has been oppressing an indigenous people, which is entitled to a sovereign and independent existence while living in peace with us. We should remember that we too used very violent terror against foreign rule because we wanted our own state. And the list of victims of terror is quite long and extensive.

Over the years Israel has push their will upon the world. They have dictated how every one else MUST act, but it becomes clearer that Israel and Jews do not have to do what they say. They push for total control of ALL world governments under their control or their puppets control.

America is the latest tool to get closer to their dream. Israel commands and the Bush obeys them without question. All you have to do is look at Bush’s latest decision to send more troops to Iraq. Even though the majority of Americans want a reduction of troops and their family members’ home.

Bush has demonstrated that he is accountable to no one but himself. He goes against what Americans want. He goes against what his advisors say. He go against congres. So if he is not accountable to Americans or the people that they elect to govern them, then who? The answer is he is only accountable to Israel. He obeys everything they tell him to do. They say jump and he asks how high while he licks their feet like their lap dog that he is.

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Windows Vista Security Flaw Discovered

Posted by mythoughtsandnews on January 2, 2007

NEW YORK — Windows Vista, the new computer operating system that Microsoft Corp. is touting as its most secure ever, contains a programming flaw that might let hackers gain full control of vulnerable computers. Microsoft and independent security researchers, however, tried to play down the risk from the flaw, which was disclosed on a Russian site recently and is apparently the first affecting the new Vista system released to larger businesses in late November. The software company said it was investigating the threat but found so far that a hacker must already have access to the vulnerable computer in order to execute an attack.

That could occur if someone is actually sitting in front of the PC or otherwise gets the computer’s owner to install rogue software, said Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer for Finnish security research company F-Secure Corp. “The bottom line is you couldn’t use a vulnerability like this to write a worm or hack a Vista system remotely,” Hypponen said Tuesday. “It only has historical significance in that it’s the first reported vulnerability that also affects Vista.

It’s a nonevent in other ways.” Attackers with low-level access privileges on a vulnerable machine could theoretically use the flaw to bump up their status, ultimately gaining systemwide control, Hypponen said.

Looks like Vista is not as good as they claim. They should work out the security bugs before selling to the public.

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Trump sues Florida town over flag citation

Posted by mythoughtsandnews on December 26, 2006

Mogul seeks $10 million after his club is penalized for oversized old glory

PALM BEACH, Fla. – Donald Trump is suing this oceanside town for $10 million after being cited for flying an oversized American flag over his Mar-a-Lago Club.

Palm Beach sounds Anti-American. It is about time some one stands up to Anti-Americans who wish to bring America and everyone around them down.

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Nativists fan flames of U.S. immigration debate

Posted by mythoughtsandnews on December 26, 2006

PHOENIX (Reuters) – Reaching into the back of a truck, U.S. anti-immigration activist Don Pauly grabs a Mexican flag, a can of lighter fuel and an aluminum baking tray and heads to the curbside outside the Mexican consulate.

As a small group of police officers, protesters and puzzled bystanders look on, he douses the green, red and white flag with fuel and spits on it for good measure, while an eye-patch wearing accomplice strikes a match.

“We need to get rid of all those who are destroying our country,” Pauly said as the national colors of United States’ southern neighbor flamed out on the sidewalk in central Phoenix earlier this month. “We are being invaded.”

The founder of the Emigration Party of Nevada is among a growing number of nativists from across the United States that have been stepping up direct action in recent months to make a stand on the issues of illegal immigration and border security.

It is the American government’s fault that all of this is happening. It is the American government’s lack of response and lack of care for Americans when it comes to illegal immigration.

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Medi-Cal pays for over 100,000 births by undocumented women

Posted by mythoughtsandnews on December 26, 2006

More than 100,000 undocumented women each year bear children in California with expenses paid by Medi-Cal, according to state reports.


Such births and related expenses account for more than $400 million of the nearly $1 billion that the program spends annually on health care for illegal immigrants in California, the Los Angeles Times reported, citing state reports.

California long has been one of the more generous states in offering such benefits to illegal immigrants, covering everything from pregnancy tests to postpartum checkups.

Many illegal immigrants who might otherwise shy away from government services view care associated with childbirth as safe to seek.

“I wasn’t afraid at all,” said Sandra Andrade, an illegal immigrant from Colombia who recently gave birth at a Los Angeles hospital. “I’d always heard that pregnant women are treated well here.”

Nationally, a debate is simmering about the costs of providing medical care to illegal immigrants.

It costs America more money to allow illegal immigrants to jump the border than it does to send them back. Bush does not have a clue when it comes to illegal immigration. Also more Americans have died at the hands of illegal immigrants than all the people killed during the Iraqi War and that is a fact that the American government does not want Americans to know.

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Pacifica teens victims of alleged ‘hate crime’ in San Francisco

Posted by mythoughtsandnews on December 26, 2006

A group of four Pacifica teens were the victims of an act of violence in San Francisco Saturday as they walked to the Civic Center BART station after attending a “Rancid” concert at the Warfield at 9th and Market Streets.

A group of six African-American teens, who took a moment to first cover their faces, approached the four Pacifica teens, who happened to be Caucasian, and made a derogatory comment against white people. They attacked one Pacifica boy by punching him in the mouth. His tooth cut through his lip, causing it to bleed, and he fell to the ground. While he was on the ground, one of the attackers kicked him in the ribs. As his friends ran to his aid, they, too, were hit on the face. No one was robbed.

They need to post more stories, instead of trying to hide these type of stories.

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